
ul. Świerkowicka 36, 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland, KRS: 0000709976, NIP: 6521741972, REGON: 369002208
www.3cargo.com, office@3cargo.com, Tel +48-32-780-1111

Date: 12.02.2025r.
Contact person: Tel:
e-mail: Fax:
Address for correspondence:
Date of readiness
Loading address
Contact person (e-mail, tel.)
Export Customs clearance address
Unloading address
Contact person (tel, e-mail)
Import Customs clearance address
of goods
Method of
Quantity of
collective packaging

ADR Class, UN number

Temperature required:
(from the date of service)

(Payment for CARGO 0.15% of the value of the goods,minimum 55 PLN )
CURRENCY: VALUE of the goods:
* The Contractor has the right to withdrow from the deterred payment provided in the contract


1. The contracting parties consider it to be effective to provide the order, confirmation and further arrangements by electronic means e.g. fax, e-mail or telephone.
2. The Contractor is obliged to execute the order with the utmost care. The Contractor is insured against civil liability towards the Mandator by Freight Forwarder`s Liability Insurance (OCS) up to the sum insured of EUR 100,000. The conditional or deductible franchise is PLN 800. Optionally the Mandator has the option to buy "CARGO" insurance. The conditional franchise in the Cargo insurance contract is 200 €, deductible franchise (own contribution) has been abolished. The Contractor will cover the shipment with cargo insurance on behalf of the Insured (Mandator) if commissioned to do so.
3. The Mandator is obliged to:- provide the Contractor with all information necessary to take action, and to select the appropriate means of transport, route and to optimize costs;
- provide all documents required for the goods to be released for free circulation or for assigning them a customs-approved treatment or use, including: the authorization to represent (also entered into the Reference Data System - PDR), EORI number, translation of the invoice items, certificate confirming the possibility of tax settlement in accordance with the Article 33a of the VAT Act, proof of payment of the tax amount, licenses, certificates, quotas, transit order, details of the office of destination, or other documents required in the given case;
- inform the Contractor if the transport concerns the goods with the intellectual property right, protected by patents or trademarks;
- provide information on the transport risk class;
- inform whether the goods are not subject to restrictions in trade pursuant to the Act of 29 November 2000 on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance to the security of the State and to maintaining international peace and security (Journal of Laws of 2000 no. 119 item 1250, as amended);
- inform whether the served goods are included in the list of dual-use goods specified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (Official Journal of the European Union from 2009, L134 /1, as amended);
- inform whether the goods are included in the list of armament, referred to in the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy of May 8, 2014, regarding the list of armament for which the permit is required (Journal of Laws of 16 May 2014 Item 627, as amended);
- inform the Contractor about the transport of sensitive goods covered by the road freight transport monitoring system in accordance with the Act of 9 March 2017 on the Road and Rail Transport Monitoring System (for sensitive goods, the Act recognizes, among others, motor fuels and their derivatives, heating fuels, lubricating oils and lubricating preparations that can be used as additives to motor fuels, products containing ethyl alcohol, denatured alcohol and dried tobacco). The Mandator will be charged with the amount of the penalty to be borne by the carrier who has not fulfilled the obligation to monitor the transport due to unawareness, if the Mandator withholds information or does not provide him with information.
4. The Contractor calculates the cost of the service based on the information provided. The Contractor shall recalculate the costs if the information provided is corrected at the time of implementation and if it required additional work and financial expenses from the Contractor. The Contractor is entitled to compensation if he proves damage he will suffer during the service, resulting from negligence of the Mandator or entities for which he is responsible, or if the damage results from concealment or failure to provide the Contractor with information.
5. In the event of resignation from the service, the Mandator is obliged to cover the costs incurred by the Contractor. If the order is canceled on the day of loading, the Contractor has the right to charge the Mandator with costs up to the freight charge amount.
6. The service will be settled in PLN according to the averageNBP tabela A effective on the day of loading. It is possible to settle the service in EUR currency on the basis of an individual indication from the Mandator. Transfer in EUR should be sent using OUR payment fees. The Mandator has a payment deadline for the service, counting from the day the service is completed. The Contractor has the right to charge statutory interest for late payment.
7. The Contractor shall not be liable for the consequences of customs operations, in particular delays in implementation.
8. The Contractor has the right to reloads and added loads, as well as to subcontract transport services.
9. The Contractor has the right to charge the Mandator with costs of downtime. In the case of full truck loads, the first day of downtime, both within the EU and outside the EU, is free of charge. The fee for each additional day started is EUR 200. In the case of groupage orders, the free of charge downtime is 6 hours. The fee for each subsequent hour is EUR 15 (maximum EUR 200 per 24 hours).
10. The Mandator declares that he is a VAT payer and agrees to issue a VAT invoice without his signature in accordance with art. 106n par. 1 of the Act on Value Added Tax of 11 March 2004 (Journal of Laws 2004 No. 54 item 535, as amended)
11. This order is regulated by the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) and the Protocol of Signature, drawn up in Geneva on May 19, 1956 (Journal of Laws 1962 No. 49, item 238) and the provisions of the Act from November 15, 1984 Transport Law (Journal of Laws 1984 No. 53 item 272), as amended.
12. The Contractor shall not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the order, including the confiscation of the shipment, if the non-performance or improper performance of the order, or the confiscation (forfeiture) of the shipment occurred as a result of sanctions imposed in connection with Russia's aggression against Ukraine, particularly under Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 of July 31, 2014 (as amended) concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine. In such cases, the Mandator undertakes to cover all losses incurred by the Contractor due to the Contractor's readiness to execute the order and to settle the agreed remuneration.
13. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved by the court competent for the Contractor`s registered office.

I consent to receiving electronic VAT invoices issued for services commissioned and implemented by 3CARGO Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice, ul. Świerkowicka 36.

In the case of changes to the data contained in this document, I undertake to immediately provide current data.
I consent to the processing of my personal data for marketing purposes by 3CARGO Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. with its registered office in Czechowice-Dziedzice, ul. Świerkowicka 36, and to receive information and commercial materials to the e-mail address provided. Providing data is voluntary. Users have the right to access their data and correct it.
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Important information !

  • The data collected in the above form will be processed in connection with the conclusion of the contract with the data subject and will not be made available to other recipients. The collected personal data are not subject to automated decision making, including profiling and will be kept for the period necessary to perform the contract and in accordance with applicable tax regulations.
  • By completing the form, I agree to receive commercial information from 3CARGO LLC LP located in Czechowice-Dziedzice,Świerkowicka 36 (Data Administrator). I can withdraw my consent at any time.The data will be processed until the consent is withdrawn.
  • The administrator processes data in compliance with the privacy policy. I have the right to access, rectify, delete or limit processing of the data, the right to object,the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority or transfer the data.